One can contribute to their field of study and practice in a variety of ways, each with pros and cons, and varying degrees of quality/applicability. I break up my research based contributions into the following categories: peer reviewed, white papers, professional projects, educational projects, and other.

Peer Reviewed

Peer reviewed articles are considered to be the highest quality of research, as they have been vetted by other experts in the field (in other words, you don't just take my word that it is good, you also have a peer reviewers word that it is good too).

Thesis Committees

I have the great honor (and responsibility) to work with students in CNU's 5 years masters program. I primarily focus on security related work, and projects that have a security related component


Research and other educational endeavors that have received an award.

Professional Presentations/Poster Sessions

Individual Presentations

Professional presentations are work that has been created and presented to either academic or prpofessional groups, that has not undergone peer review.

Supervised Presentations

Whenever possible, I encourage my students to present their research at a conference or professional organization. Below are some of the presentations I have worked with students to present

Professional Projects

Professional projects that fall into this category represent new and novel uses of technology in professional environments that go above and beyond the existing and or expected use of technologies, and required significant amount of intellectal contribution on my behalf (e.g. there was not an ehow article that I followed, but I actually engineered and designed a majority of the system)

Educational Projects

Eductional projects that fall into this category represent a significant application of an educational concept in a way such that its use is origina/novel, or of large enough scope to be considered an unique application. These types of projects include capstone projects, special topics projects, or unpublished application related to doctoral seminars


There are many ways to contribute to a field of study, and they may not always be neatly categorized into the above categories (maybe I could research some new categories?) Either way, this category is designed to house other things that I felt represented a unique contribution to the discipine/field but did not fit neatly in any of the above categories.